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(Early images - caution some are rough


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February 12, 2025      

Welcome to my website about astronomy and astrophotography. Like many others, I have enjoyed astronomy and observing the night sky. Much of my observing experience has been taking pictures of the many astronomical objects in our known universe. My website is a collection of the many pictures I have taken over the years. 

I have taken many of my pictures with optics ranging from DSLR lenses to amateur class astronomical telescopes. The cameras I use are mostly dedicated astronomical cameras - currently using cameras with CMOS sensors. I have used Charge Coupled Device (CCD) sensors and also a Cannon 350D DSLR camera. For some of my older images I have used webcams modified for long exposure use. I have dedicated a separate section of this website for DSLR astrophotography.

There are many images  on this site. I have deliberately left earlier images, even though they may be of poorer quality, simply because they represent the observations I have made over the years. Some images are archived - particularly where I have re-imaged an object. Some older or replaced images are still available in Archives (available in sidebar). My most recent images are linked below for handy reference. Or you can browse the image galleries that are grouped by object types (Nebula, Galaxy, Cluster, etc.) (also available on sidebar). I also have a Miscellaneous Astro Gallery (solar system, lunar, other object catalogs).

Finally, one of the more gratifying results from my observations was the discovery of  a new nebula surrounding an eruptive variable star V* V900 Mon. A scientific paper by by staff of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii was authored by Bo Reipurth, Colin Aspen, and G.H. Herbig. The discovery image is an image of LBN1022. The new nebula is located in the field of this image. An Updated (2024) image is here.  



MBM 52 LBN 801 LBN 811 V* V900 Mon, "Thommes Nebula" Supernova Remnant SNR G126.2+01.6 M42 Core, Orion Nebula - Into the Inferno NGC 2146 Starburst Galaxy Ced 51, B 31 / 32, LDN 1580 - 1584 Sh2-297, LBN1037, vdB 94
LDN1434, vdB18, NGC1342 NGC 507 Galaxy Group SNR G119.5+10.2, CTA1 Holmberg 6 Galaxy Group, NGC 67-72 Sh2-125, IC5146 "Cocoon Nebula" SNR G013.3-01.3 (M24, Sh2-41 Region) NGC 7380, Sh2-142, LBN 511 "Wizard Nebula"
SNR G082.2+05.3 (W 63, CTB 88) Sh2-124, LBN 421, 423, 426 - Cygnus NGC 1491 
"Fossil Footprint"
NGC 6543 
"Cat's Eye"
NGC 281
"Pac Man"
WR 134 and PNG 073.4+01.5a in Widefield M33 (Triangulum)  in HOO
NGC 3430 and NGC 3395, 3396, 3413, 3424 NGC 4731, 4731A, and IC 3812 SNR G160.8+02.6 (Sh2-221) Pillars of NGC 2174 NGC 4151, 4145 and others NGC 5985 and the "DracoTrio"  Sh2-303, Sh2-308 "Dolphin Head"
M16, Eagle, and "Pillars of Creation" NGC 4725/47 /12 Arp 159 Whirlpool Galaxy - M51 , Arp 85 CTB1 - Abell 85 Supernova Remnant NGC 2336 / IC 467 Galaxy Pair Sh2-113 and Sh2-114 - Flying Dragon NGC 3953 Region

Sh2-86, NGC 6820, NGC 6823, Lan 21 (PN) M81 and M82 - Mosaic NGC 1060 and NGC 1066 IC 5068 in Cygnus  LBN10, 11, 15, 18, 19 and LDN134, 169, 183 Region NGC 678, 680, 691, 694, and 
Arp 31
NGC 467 NGC 470 NGC 474
LBN 635, 636,
LDN 1340
M12 in Ophiuchus  NGC 672 and IC 1727 - A Galaxy Pair NGC 6232, 6236, 6248 - A Galaxy Trio LBN 634 and LDN 1333 Region NGC 7640 with Faint Foreground Cirrus NGC 5899 with NGC 5893, 5895, 5896, 5900


  Let me know if you have any questions  - webmaster@jthommes.com


All images and content remain the property of Jim Thommes - copyright 2003 - 2025

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