Jim's Unconventional Astrophotography
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| August 17, 2024
Welcome to my website about unconventional astrophotography. This is the Archives site. The main site can be navigated here. The purpose of this Archives site is to have a home for many of my older images. I have found it helpful to keep the main site fresh with relatively current images. At the same time, some of the older images don't want to just fade away, so they are here on this site. If you are familiar with my main site, you will find the organization of the Archives very similar and therefore consistently navigated as if it were the main site. On the Archives you will see some of my early pictures as well as some pictures of objects I have since re-imaged and the most current image is on the main site ARCHIVES...ARCHIVES...ARCHIVES...ARCHIVES...
Let me know if you have any questions - webmaster@jthommes.com
All images and content remain the property of Jim Thommes - copyright 2003 - 2024Current Web Total Hits - - Unique Visitors |