M42 Core, Orion Nebula - Into the Inferno
MOUSEOVER IMAGE FOR STARLESS VIEW CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL SIZE VIEW (4519x3389) Scope: Celestron 9.25 Edge HD 235 mm at f/7; Location: DAA Observatory, Shelter Valley, CA; Dates: 3, 4 December, 2024; Camera: ASI294MM (Baader Ha OIII, LRGB Filters) Exposure:
Ha 78 x 30 seconds (gain-121 2x2), OIII 78 x 30 seconds (gain-121
2x2), Lum 100 x 5 seconds (gain-0 2x2), RGB - 92 each x 5 seconds
- (gain-0 2x2).
Processing: Data
Collection - N.I.N.A. (as FITs). Sub-frame calibration
- Pixinsight (WBPP). Sub-frame registration and integration (Average combine -
sigma clipping, 2X drizzle for Ha, OIII, Lum) - PixInsight (WBPP).
NoiseXTerminator (RGB, Ha, OIII, Lum) - PixInsight. Non-linear
stretching for Ha, OIII, Lum - PixInsight. RGB combine and
Photometric RGB calibration (SPCC) - PixInsight. De-convolution -
BlurXTerminator (AI4) - PixInsight. Generation of starless Ha, OIII, Lum and RGB image for later
processing - StarXTerminator (PixInsight.) Lum stars
(lower stretch) screened into Lum starless for star size control - PixInsight.
LRGB starless layered onto NB starless (HOO) - Pixinsight. Final finishing - Affinity Photo. Annotation - PixInsight, Aladin
(Simbad), and Affinity
Photo. This image is a HOO image with LRGB stars and starless blending. Image processed at
8288x5644 resolution (2x drizzle stacks). Full Field image size is approximately
4519x3389. North is left in this image. This is an image of the core of the popular imaging target of M42 - the Orion Nebula. At the heart of this inferno is the star cluster known as the Trapezium Cluster - star components A,B,C,D. Also visible in this image are star components D,E,F,G,H. All these components have a mean distance of 1,287 light years (by parallax estimate) and vary from that mean by +58/-142 light years. Several of the main component stars are themselves multiple stars and if those star components are added, there would be nine additional stars - not resolvable in this image. But since no information on parallax or velocity means they might be related or instead just visually aligned. All of these stars are truly the "Heart of the Inferno". Also in this image is the Orion KL Nebula (Kleinmann-Low). This is an active star forming region partially obstructed by the main Orion structure's interstellar matter. It is directly observed in mainly in IR spectrum from space based telescopes. Some of this KL Nebula may come through in the visible spectrum - associated clumps may be seen in this image. Also seen is the star V* LL Ori and associated nebulous structures that somewhat resembles bow shock front. These objects, information, and some of the brighter stars are identified in the annotated image. The mouse-over starless image shows non-stellar structures (isolated from the MW galaxy field stars or Orion complex stars). The Horizontal Full FOV is approximately 0.365 degrees. Full size image scale is approximately 0.291 arcsec/pix. Image Center approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 05h 35m 20s Dec: -05°22'55"
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