NGC 4517 in Virgo
CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL SIZE VIEW (1676x1266) Scope: C8 f/7.5, Location: Blair Valley, Anza Borrego Desert, CA, 9 April 2010 Camera: SBIG ST8300M Exposure: 12 x 6.6 minutes (2x2 bin) Luminance exposures with IR block, 8 x 3 minutes RGB exposures (3x3). Processing: Images were captured with CCDSoft (as FITs). Aligned/stacked and dark subtracted in Astroart with Sigma Combine. All channels were scaled and rough color balanced in Astroart. Central Gradient was removed on all channels in Astroart. Channels were co-registered in Astroart. The 66 minute IR block exposures were used for the main luminance construction with level adjustments and curves to bring out object features. LRGB combine was done in Photoshop. G2V factors applied to color channels. Background noise reduction was applied in Photoshop. Selective sharpening was applied to galaxy features. Final touches and color balance in Photoshop. Final Image size is approximately 1676x1266. North is up in this image. The image was guided for all exposures. NGC 4517 is the larger, brighter galaxy in this field. Its partner (to the upper right) is cataloged as NGC 4517A, but they are two separate structures. Both are spiral galaxies though the lager NGC 4517 is seen more 'edge-on' from our vantage point on Earth. NGC 4517 is located in the constellation of Virgo, Horizontal FOV is 42'. Image center is approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 12h 32m 35s Dec: +00°14'44"
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