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NGC 4244 in Canes Venatici



Scope: C8 f/6.7; Location: Dos Picos Park, Ramona, CA;  16 April 2009; Camera: Artemis285

Exposure: 12 x 8 min Luminance exposure (bin 1x1) with IR/UV Block Filter; 8 x 3 min RGB (bin 2x2)

Processing: Images were captured Artemis Capture (as FITs). Aligned/stacked and dark subtracted in Astroart with Sigma Combine and Average Combine - Average was merged with the Sigma stack for improved signal to noise. Luminance and Color channels were scaled and rough color balanced in Astroart. RGB stacks were up-sampled to 1392x1040 (1x1 bin resolution). Central Gradient was removed on all channels in Astroart. Channels were co-registered in Astroart. The 8 minute IR block exposures were used for the main luminance construction with level adjustments and curves to bring out object features.   LRGB combine was done in Photoshop. G2V  factors applied to color channels.  Background noise reduction was done with a blurred background layer set on a lighten blend .  Selective sharpening was applied to galaxy features. Final Image size is approximately 1392x1040.

This image was guided; North is up.  This galaxy, NGC 4244 is mostly edge on from Earth's perspective. It is located in the constellation of  Canes Venatici. Ii is relatively near as galaxies go - it is estimated to be between 4 and 8 million light years from Earth. Given it's rather modest span in the sky it is likely a smaller structure. Other galaxies we see with similar span are 20 to 40 million light years distant.  Horizontal FOV is 23'.

Image Center is approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 12h 17m 30s Dec: +37°49'00" 


All images and content remain the property of Jim Thommes - copyright 2003 - 2012

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