Scope: C8 f/2.8; Location: Del Mar CA;
1 Sept. 2004; Camera: ToUcam SC3
Exposure: 16 x 12 sec and 16 x 4 sec Luminance exposures with Baader IR Block Filter;
15 x 8 sec RGB
Processing: All exposures captured in K3CCDTools. Alignment and stacking was done with Registax and saved as FITs. LRGB channels were co-registered in
Astroart. Luminance and Color channels were scaled and rough color balanced in
Astroart. The shorter Luminance exposure was combined with the longer one
to reduce star bloat in the Luminance construction. Final LRGB combine was done in Photoshop using Luminance Layering (or LLRGB). Color
balancing and final touches were done in Photoshop. SGBNR (PixInsight LE) was used to smooth background noise on the luminance channel. Resized to approximately 800x600.
This image was an unguided exposure. This is one of the four Messier open clusters
in Sagittarius (along with M18, M23, and M25 - excluding M24 as a Star Cloud). Horizontal FOV is about