Scope: C8 f/7.5; Location: Del Mar, CA; 29 May. 2008; Camera:
Canon XT 350D (Un-modified)
Exposure: 20 x 120 sec (no filters) ISO 400, 6 Darks, no Flats
Processing: Images were captured with DSLR Focus
and saved as RAW. Images were decoded and dark corrected in IRIS. Images were
aligned and stacked in IRIS with Sigma Median. Dark point equalization and rough
color balance was done in IRIS along with a Central gradient removal.
Color saturating, and gamma adjustments also done in Iris. Image was saved as
Tiff. Final stretching and touch up was done in PhotoShop. SGBNR was used for a
light background noise reduction.
Final Image size is approximately 3477x2305
North is up in this image. The image was taken with fairly good conditions at a
light polluted site. This is a guided image. M5 is one of the oldest Milky Way Galaxy Globular
Clusters with a computed age of 13 billion years. It is at a distance of 24,500
light years from Earth. This globular cluster has an ellipsoid shape that is
aligned roughly from upper left to lower right. This image complements a CCD image with the
Artemis285 Camera that can be seen here . Horizontal FOV is
Object Center is approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 15h
18m 34s Dec: +02°05'00"
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