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IC 4601 Region in Scorpius - Octans




Scope: Sigma APO 150 mm SLR Lens at f/3.5; Location: Laguna Mountains, CA;  16 May, 2009; Camera: Canon XT 350D (Baader ACF modified)

Exposure: 20 x 6 min  (no filters) ISO 800 , 8 Darks, no Flats 

Processing: Images were captured with DSLR Focus  and saved as RAW file format. Images were decoded and dark corrected in IRIS. Images were aligned and stacked in IRIS with Sigma Median.  Dark point equalization and rough color balance  were done in IRIS. Gamma adjustments also done in Iris. Gradient removal was done in IRIS with a pseudo-flat generation. The 6 minute  exposure stacks were saved as Tiff.  Luminance was extracted, stretched and sharpened in Photoshop. The color channels were softened and saturated before being recombined with the Luminance with luminance layering. Final stretching and touch up was done in PhotoShop.     Final Image size is approximately 3474x2314 - re-sampled to 2400x1600.

North is up in this image.  This image is guided.  This is an image of the IC 4601 region in the constellations of Scorpius and Octans.  IC 4601 is the smallish blue reflection nebula in the center of the image. The larger blue and dusty nebula on the right is IC 4592. The blue and dusty nebula on the bottom edge is IC 4604. The apparent bright "star" to the right of IC 4604 is not really a star but a globular cluster (M80). M80 helps to provide perspective on this generous 8 degree field of view.  The nebula regions and the bright stars range from about 400 light years to 800 light years distant from Earth.  M80 is 32,000 light years distant.   The Vertical FOV is about 8 deg, 20 min.

Image Center is approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 16h 21m 02s Dec: -20°23'19"

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