NGC 5921 in Serpens
CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL SIZE VIEW (1676x1266) Scope: C8 f/6.3, Location: Laguna Mountains, CA, 20 May 2011 Camera: ST8300M Exposure: 17 x 6 min UV/IR Block Luminance (2x2 bin), 7 x 3.5 min RGB exposures (3x3 bin). Processing: Images were captured with CCDSoft. Aligned/stacked and dark subtracted in Astroart ; Sigma Combine method was used for stacking subs. All channels were scaled and equalized in Astroart. Channels were co-registered in Astroart. G2V factors were applied to color channels in Astroart. Central Gradient removal was done in Astroart. Level adjustments and curves were made on the Luminance data to bring out object features. Light noise reduction was applied to the background. LRGB combine was done in Photoshop. Layered Contrast Stretching was applied to the LRGB image. Final touches and color balance in Photoshop. Final Image size is approximately 1676x1266. North is up in this image. NGC 5921 is a fine example of a barred galaxy. The golden "bar" feature is seen in this image. NGC 5921 is located in the constellation of Serpens. NGC 5921 was the host galaxy of a recent supernova - SN2001X. There are numerous more distant galaxies in this field . Horizontal FOV is about 44' Image Center approximately - Equatorial 2000: RA: 15h 21m 54s Dec: +05°04'00"
All images and content remain the property of Jim Thommes - copyright 2003 - 2023 Current
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