M68 in Hydra


Scope: C8 f/5; Location: Dos Picos Park - Ramona, CA; 8 May. 2004; Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 16 x 40 sec Luminance exposures with IR Block Filter; 12 x 40 sec RGB 

Processing: Images were captured in K3CCDTools. Aligned/stacked in Registax and saved as FITS. Luminance and Color channels were scaled and rough color balanced in Astroart. Channels were co-registered in Astroart. Luminance and Color FITS were combined in Photoshop with Luminance Layering. Color balancing and final touches in Photoshop. SGBNR was used to smooth background noise on the luminance channel and the final result. Resized to approximately 800x600.

This image was a guided image. I have not imaged this cluster prior to this image. I did need the relatively dork skies at Dos Picos in Ramona in order to get some of the depth achieved without washing out with the urban skies at my residence in Del Mar. Horizontal FOV is about 16'


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